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Vendo/Busco: Vendo   Precio:$300    Ciudad:Modesto    Codigo Postal: 95363

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Here is a Gorgeous Peruvian religious painting of an ANGEL - BABY SHEPHERD. This Gorgeous painting has been framed in Bronze Leaf and Painted by artist Janampa from Cuzco-Peru. This painting was acquired several years ago but never been used or hung. It has been very well stored. I am attaching several Pictures. Please, look at them and get back to me as I am very motivated to selling it.

The frame alone has magnificent details and it fetches over $500 by itself. Many buy just the frame because of its art work and use it for other things, such as mirrors or for other expensive projects or paintings.


W 28.5 x H 48.5 x W 1 - 1.5 at thickest point (around the painting edges)

What I am asking is very affordable however I am taking offers too.

Price$300 OBO
Motivated to SELL as I am moving. I am entertaining offers.

Thanks for your time.

Keywords: painting, angel painting, john the baptist, Peruvian art, Peruvian painting, Gold leaf frame, bronze leaf paint, art, painting, picture frame, painting frame.
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